Accommodations Process
At Rochester Christian University, students engage in an individualized and interactive process with the Accommodations Office and with relevant faculty and staff to determine and arrange reasonable and appropriate accommodations. Current and incoming students are encouraged to begin the accommodations process as soon as possible once a potential accommodation need has been identified.
Students who do not have documentation of a disability, or are not sure whether accommodations is an appropriate resource for them, are welcome to email to learn more about: the accommodations process, disability documentation guidelines and how to obtain documentation, and University resources that may be available with or without disability accommodations
How to request accommodations at Rochester Christian University
The student reviews the accommodation policies and gathers appropriate documentation.
Review the policies at
Students will need to provide relevant disability documentation to complete the accommodation request process. Documentation may be uploaded in the accommodation request form.
- The student completes the accommodation request form for all academic, housing, dietary, and auxiliary requests and/or Assistive Animal request form depending on their needs. This form includes a space for you to upload appropriate documentation:
- Documentation must be current (within the last three years; however, exceptions are sometimes necessary depending upon the individual case) and in writing from a licensed/certified professional and must provide the following information:
- Date of evaluation.
- Diagnosis – specific with International Classification of Diseases (ICD) classification.
- Method of the evaluation/examination.
- The specific limitation with respect to the disability’s current impact on the University and educational environment.
- Medication – expectation in results of functioning, or cognitive impairment.
The Accommodation Officer will review accommodation requests and determine eligibility.
- After reviewing the student’s request and documentation, the Accommodation Officer may schedule a meeting to discuss the nature and impact of the student’s disability(ies), review the student’s documentation together, and explore possible accommodations and resources.
- In keeping with the individualized and interactive nature of the accommodation process, the Accommodation Officer may ask the student to provide additional information or disability documentation to better understand the nature and impact of their condition and their specific accessibility needs.
- The Accommodation Officer may need to consult with relevant faculty or staff members to discuss program requirements and/or identify reasonable accommodations or viable alternatives.
- Once the student’s accommodation eligibility has been determined, the Accommodation Officer notifies the student of their eligibility via email. Students are encouraged to contact if they have questions about their accommodation eligibility or if they would like to request changes to their approved accommodations. Students are always welcome to provide additional information or documentation to the Accommodation Officer to consider their accommodation needs further.
The student will need to manage their ongoing accommodation needs during their time at Rochester Christian University.
- Students will need to complete the accommodation request form for academic and auxiliary accommodations at the start of each semester (16 week or 8-week sessions) to renew their accommodations for their current courses. The Accommodation Officer reviews the student’s request and notifies faculty of the approved accommodations via email.
- Students use the accommodation request form to submit a new accommodation request for housing accommodations before each annual housing cycle. The Accommodation Officer reviews the student’s selections and notifies Residence Life of approved accommodations via email.
The student proactively works with faculty, staff, the testing center, and the Accommodation Officer to successfully implement accommodations.
- Specific accommodations may require additional steps or follow-up from the student, such as notifying DAR of the textbooks they need in an alternative format, registering for housing through Residence Life, or communicating with faculty and the testing center around alternative testing arrangements.
- Once accommodations are in place, students must communicate with the Accommodation Officer and relevant faculty/staff around their ongoing accessibility needs.
- We strongly encourage students using academic or auxiliary accommodations to speak with their instructors as early in the semester as possible about their accommodation arrangements. We find that collaboration between students and instructors results in a smoother process.
- Students are encouraged to notify the Accommodation Officer as soon as possible if:
- their accommodations are not meeting their needs, or their needs have changed;
- they would like to request new or different accommodations;
- they encounter any barriers in using their accommodations;
- they would like assistance communicating with faculty or staff around their accommodation needs.