Campus News & Resources

Special 1 Hour Chapel for 2 CLW Points, Tuesday, April 1st (no it’s not a joke)

Join us for a special 1 hour long Chapel as we engage in a conversation about the environment with a panel of folks from various religious backgrounds who will share how their theology informs their particular environmental care perspective. This event seeks to model active listening and response in a way that displays civil discourse and care.  Students who attend, scan the QR code, and complete the survey emailed to them will receive 2 CLW points.

Want to keep the conversation going? Make plans to attend “CHILL Chat Chapel” which will take place at the same time as regular chapel on Thursday, April 3rd. During this special chapel opportunity, you will engage in table conversation in small groups in the CHILL. 1 CLW point for those who participate and complete the survey emailed to them.