Campus News & Resources

CL+W Updates You Need to Know

We are excited for the upcoming year with our CLW program, and we are thrilled to offer a wide range of events for students to earn points through this school year! Each full-time traditional program student will need to earn 25 CLW points, and we have 100 opportunities for you to do so!

These events could include anything from spiritual formation practices to Chapel, service opportunities, mentoring groups, intercultural life events, physical wellness events, music/theatre performances, vocational reflection, and more! You can find all CLW events on the RCU app or at

Check out this video to hear from V.P. of Student Life, Scott Samuels & Assistant Dean of Students, Dr. Katelyn Brackney about our CLW program.](

Learn more information on our website and in the Student Handbook. If there are concerns about earning points, you may qualify for a modification. Learn more and apply through the modification request form which can be found on and in the side menu of the RCU app/ under the “Online Forms” drop down.