Download the RCU App to keep up to date on campus events, handle CLW points, see urgent notifications, connect with fellow students and more.
You can download the App using the links below or checking out the step by step images.
Apple App Store URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rochester-christian-university/id6459020722
Google Play App Store URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.novalsys.rochesteru&hl=en_US
- Search for “CampusGroups” in your phone’s App Store
- Once downloaded, search for “Rochester Christian University”
- Select “Campus Hub” with the RCU Badge Logo next to it.
- Once logged in with your RCU email, set up your profile and look around!
- Create a post in the Discussion feed.
- Access helpful links to My.RCU, the Student Portal, Canvas, and more!
- Access forms for various campus areas (housing, event/space requests, etc.)